Today my breakfast was interrupted by the sound of the
cats carting a wagon full of fireworks through the kitchen.
“What’s going on?” I asked them.
“The tree pixies have invaded!” the cats cried, as they
pulled the cart out into the garden.
“Are you talking about the woodpeckers again?” I wondered
as I followed them through the back door.
The cats stopped the wagon behind a small barricade they
had built from cardboard boxes. I looked up at the nearest tree and was alarmed
to see what appeared to be a large hive constructed from green crystal.
“Oh dear,” I said. “Should I call someone in?”
“Everything is under control, human,” Smudge assured me,
as he let off a rocket. The firework smashed into the hive with a musical crash
and sent tiny shavings of emerald showering down around us.
“I’ll take your word for it,” I said, taking a step back
towards the house. “But don’t set the tree on fire, please.”
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